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By Dr. Al Hearne II

beautiful anchor with vine

God is a Living Hope according to 1 Peter 1:3-5, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

Our “living hope” as believers is not a wish, not an emotion, but a reality based upon God's promises. Believers have a living hope that is firmly rooted in an event that transformed human history: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This hope is as alive as Christ Himself, a testament to God's enduring faithfulness, power, and unchanging nature.

This living hope speaks to a future that is both assured and active in our daily lives. It is not like earthly inheritances, which are susceptible to decay; it can't be taken away because it is imperishable and unfading, safeguarded by God's promises. What a magnificent assurance! This inheritance awaits us, a promise made certain by God's very character and the accomplished work of Jesus Christ.

Peter emphasizes God's mercy as the source of being “born again” into living hope. It is not something we have earned or can maintain by our effort—it is a gift, born out of God's deep compassion and love for us. This mercy reaches us in our most desperate need and lifts us to a place of eternal security and blessed assurance of eternal life.

Moreover, this living hope has a purifying effect on our lives. Knowing that we are destined for eternal life in heaven transforms how we live daily life. It motivates us to pursue holiness, to live in a manner worthy of our calling, and to face the trials of this life with a dedication born from heavenly assurance.

This living hope is an anchor, firm, and secure in our daily life. It provides a lens through which we can view our daily lives in light of eternal glory. This worldview doesn't diminish pain and struggle but offers profound comfort and a reason to persevere with joy.

Take a moment to thank God for His mercy, which has given you new life in Christ and into this living hope of eternal life. Ask God to help you grasp more fully the certainty and significance of your inheritance so that it may inspire a deeper faith and a more fervent love in your daily walk. And in the spirit of this living hope, consider how you might encourage others with the assurance that we have in Christ, sharing the reason for the living hope that is within you.

As you meditate on 1 Peter 1:3-5, consider the nature of your living hope. How does the reality of your imperishable inheritance in Christ influence your daily life and decisions? In what ways can this living hope shape how you respond to challenges and uncertainties?


[The image this week God Is A Living Hope was created by Dalle.]

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